Contacting AAA Physical Therapy / Location
Phone: 443-979-7171 | 410-922-9955
Fax: 667-200-5908
2 Physical Therapy clinic locations in Columbia MD!
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Address Main PT Clinic: 8975 Guilford Rd Ste 170 Columbia MD 21046
AAA Physical Therapy Main Clinic is in between Wegman’s and Broken Land Parkway along Snowden River Parkway and the entrance way is on Oakland Mills Rd.
We are roughly on the opposite side of Home Depot.
We are at Snowden Center with notable stores such as:
Bon Fresco
Fast Signs
Bon Fresco
Mother Nature’s
School of Rock.
Satellite Office: Premier Health Express Urgent Care – 9710 Patuxent Woods Dr. STE 200 Columbia, MD 21046
Enter the end of Snowden River Parkway and Broken Land Parkway and you turn right once you enter Patuxent Woods Dr!
This is by Kennedy Krieger and Howard County Office on Aging and Independence.
The clinic is visible from Broken Land Parkway wherein we are the opposite side of Lake Elkhorn and KFC and Capital One Bank which are both along Snowden River Parkway.
Click For directions and traffic conditions – main pt clinic
We are directly under AllCare and our entrance to the clinic is facing Oakland Mills Rd.
If you know how to go to the US Post Office in this area, then you could easily locate our main Physical Therapy Clinic!
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